Xeres IV

About Xeres IV:

Xeres IV is a marshland with low altitude and many cenotes and flakey layered rocks. The stones have a limestone like smell and the mud from this planets soil are very thick and rich and allow “green belts” of higher elevated places that develop into thick, long thin limbed trees and small leafed shrubbery. There are many rock formations similar to a high prairie and large stretches of greenish/gold sands along the surfaces many small pools and waters. High pillars of packed dried mud can be found eroded around standing a couple feet out of the waters, acting like large stepping stones from highland to highland. There is an equal mix or eroded caverns, foliage and moors. To the planets east you can find more elevated areas and foothills that allow shelter and a more stable investigation ground.

Important Regions:

-The Moors (Located on the upper west sector. A popular nesting spot for wildlife and a good source for salts and fuel due to the planets surface seeping mineral deposits deeper underneath the bottom of the pools and pits)

. -The Foothills (Largest cluster discovered east above the Basin. The foothills offer cover and a better place for a potential enclosure or investigative camp)

-The Basin (Large mineral pool visible from atmospheric observation in the northern hemisphere that houses deep trenches below.)

-The Coast (Located along the Atriun Sea mass/ Cavern like system of erosion creating a sheer cliff face. Waves roll against its surface and recede in the evening, making investigating the sea bed a more plausible opportunity than other times of the day cycle)

Discovered Species:

Anole (The Moors)

Prince (The Moors)

Equinox (The Coast)

Argus (The Coast)

Vaela (The Foothills)

Caiman (The Basin)