Eros port

Advanced Suit Apparatus

Created in the lab of the Phantasm MK 3, the advanced suit apparatus, the Eros Port was designed with pleasue in mind using advanced medical science. The Eros Port is an installable suit enhancement that magnetizes into the pelvic region of any XCA issued suit and maintains close contact with the wearers body, allowing for close biometric monitoring as well as remote stimulation while on the field.

Featuring a slim ribbed insertable probe, the Eros Port can retract or extend to the wearer's preferred depth conveniently and also contains sensors on the exterior surcface that can detect body temperature, pulse rate, oxygen levels and hormone levels. These nodes double as additional stimulation for the wearer while recording vital and excitable information back on the Phantasm MK 3 while on expiditions.

Never leave foe a mission unprepared, grab the Eros Port today!

Compatible Add-Ons and Accessories:

  • Glow in the Dark

Petite: $30.00+ USD

Standard: $45.00+ USD

Large: $60.00+ USD (TBD/ PRICE ESTIMATE)

Base Length (inches) Insertable (inches) Circumference at Widest (inches)
Petite 6 3 2 1/2
Standard 7 1/2 3 1/2 3
Large 9 1/2 TBD TBD