
The Tribred

The Helios is a trifecta of texture, form, and function! This model is a hybrid of feline, reptilian and canine design. The feline barbs along the shaft offer a stimulating texture while thrusting and the swell of the base mimics a lesser knot. The reptilian aspects of the toy can be found in the glans of the toy, showing a semi split head with a ripple texture down the belly. A straightforward design with your pleasure in mind!

Compatible Add-Ons and Accessories:

  • Bullet Vibe Slot
  • Glow in the Dark
  • Hand Painted Designs

Small: $65.00+ USD

Medium: $80.00+ USD

Art/Character design by the talented ShiBlue7

Total Length (inches) Useable Length (inches) Widest Circumference (inches)
Small 6 5 5.5
Medium 7.5 6 7